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Posted on: 2012/01/22, 03:44 AM by: Navi24
yes you can see how its very late by the tittle, i'm at work doing a 12 hour shift. it dawned on me that i should be doing something beseides sitting here for 12 hours. i'm at the hightest weight at age 25 i'm 220lbs and only 5'4. sad i know, but to quote lady gaga "i was born this way" only to think better of it. i wasn't born this way. no one is born over weight, you get like this through the years of bad eatting and to much video games. (though in some self defence i am a 42H bra size and sware they weigh bout 10lbs a peice, lol.) there could be many factors as to why i got so big, i wasn't this size in high school. infact i was so poor i only had the one meal a day at school. it could be from my first boyfriend just at the end of high school. he had money so we spent lots on fast food and video games. i'm also thinking family and all the stress that comes from them doesn't help me in the least.

so here i am, with the vow that i'm going to be healthy. no longet will i get a mcdonalds breakfast sandwhich right after work in the morning. i'll actually make meals instead of eatting only once a day. it doesn't work, just gorging your self. doesn't burn off at all. i'm also going to be outside more, i'm 25 and don't need to spend 6 hours on the ps3, well at least not every day. i'm not going to become a crazy health nut but i am going to finally use my brain and be who i was born to be.
