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2nd Day - a little rough

Posted on: 2013/01/31, 02:18 PM by: chanxtah
Today was a lot harder than the first day.. I was sore to begin with so getting through the part with the arms and shoulders was hell for me.. I did what I could just to get myself there and doing it but its not a fun walk through the park.

What can I do about the soreness? Does shakes work? hmmmmm I gotta research that one..

As for my diet.. I'm cutting down my eating ... down to 'one'. You see I believe that if I just eat one serving, I'll be alright. You see, I've changed the way my entire family eats. I've gotten healthy recipes online that are about 250-360 calories per dinner meal I make. That might not be great for others but for my family its a huge step. We've changed out diet for almost a month now and amazing things have happened... WE PASS RIGHT BY MCDONALD'S AND NO ONE ASKS TO GO EAT THERE!! That's amazing for me. My family was a family that loved to eat the dollar menu (because there were too many of us to get meals). But so glad we've made the change.

I am motivated to get a gym membership to do some cardio. Here in Utah its extremely difficult in the winter because of freezing temperatures and bad weather. Hopefully next week. :)
