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30 day challenge: Day 11

Posted on: 2014/05/12, 02:22 AM by: kattyfigs
For some reason my last flog didn't go up. Anyways for day 9 I did 50 donkey kicks and 100 bicycle crunches

day 10 I did 50 squat jumps and 200 crunches.

Today for day 11 I made a full recovery from my cold lol and now I can push myself more. I might do some more exercise later with my friend and cousin which will just be a repeat of what I've already done today or what they wanna do.

First I did 25 push-ups. The first 10 I did "man push-ups" then I gave up and did lady push-ups for the last 15.

Then I did 75 tricep dips. They hurt. I think I did 15 first then I got up to 40 and then 75. I might be repeating both exercises later on tonight if my cousin or friend don't want to do it.


  • kattyfigs kattyfigs 2014/05/13
    Ahhh I'll try that because I'm really bad at push ups. Thanks!
  • Mr_Geezer Mr_Geezer 2014/05/12
    75 full dips is more than enough. Well done on all. 200 crunches , even in sets, is awesome. You can do full push ups and chins. Start with negatives. A negative on a chin is to get into the pulled up position from a bucket or whatever and slowly lower yourself until the arms hang straight. Hurts for a day or two. The same applies to push ups. Get in the up position and slowly lower yourself. Once you can do 10 modified push ups you should be able to do 5 sets of 5 real ones and build from there.