I was supposed to work out yesterday however that didn't happen. So I worked out today. Which is good. However I didn't feel like working out, but I went anyways. I had my logsheet printed out and I had my printout of the workouts I was supposed to do. So I get to the gym I'm doing my cardio and I'm like ok yea this is what's up. Then I get on the floor with all the equiment and for some reason I get like parnoid that everyone is watching me. Which of course they are not. And I went around looking for the machines I was supposed to got confused did a couple of wrong machines, couldn't figure out how to adjust the seats on some. I was so mad!! and disappointed. I don't feel like I got a good workout because I wasn't able to really follow my log sheet :-( I also noticed that when I was doing my seated machine fly instead of feeling it in my chest i felt it more in my shoulders, to my knowledge I was doing everything right. I don't know. Maybe better luck tomorrow.