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Posted on: 2004/03/25, 07:40 AM
It is finally coming together. I have adopted a rather unorthdox approach to arm training. I will go in one week and do a normal workout (3 sets of 10 reps). The next week I go in and go right into my heavy set and then go down. There are other routines but that is the style. Here is what I did:
barbellcurls 115x6 105x7 95x8 85x10 75x9
Preacher dumbbell curls 20x10 25x10 30x10
Alt DB curls 30x10 35x10 40x8
Hammer curls 45x10 50x10
Kickbacks 30x10 35x10 40x10
Skullkrushers 70x10 90x10 110x8
Pressdowns 75x10 85x10 100x10
Cybex tri machine 50x10 60x10 75x12----all held at the end for 3 sec.
Highlights: arms looked and felt huge!!!!
Lowlights: none!