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Back and Biceps

Posted on: 2004/09/28, 09:26 PM by: 7707mutt
Ok this needs a little explaination: I did chins, well sort of, ok here goes hope you understand. My bench pulls up(the seat that is) so I can use that area for squats, it is adjustable so I can go from decline to incline by raising or lowering a bar. I raised the seat up moved the bar to the incline spot. Then I laid underneath it placed my hands in a wide grip spot and "chinned" my body up to the bar I tried to use my heels as a pivot point only, I also bent my knees to about 45degrees heels on the floor and that seemed to work better. Ok I did about 7 reps for 3 sets.
bent rows 135x10 155x10 165x10 185x9
deadlifts 185x10 205x10 225x10
Dumbbell rows 70x10 75x10

Biceps barbell curls 45x15 65x10 75x10 85x8
incline curls 20x10 25x10
Alt Dumbbell curls 25x10 30x10
Highlights: I actually worked out and hope that the "chins" I did are actually working the right areas it feels like it now.

Lowlights: Well I guess the fact that I am so weak on exercises that I was lifting 30lbs or more on.


  • 7707mutt 7707mutt 2004/09/29
    Thanks man that makes me feel better!
  • fryer91 fryer91 2004/09/29
    Nice job mutt...POundages don't seem as bad as your saying..Muscles have memory, you'll be back up to where you want to be in no time. Keep it up!