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Back to the weights...

Posted on: 2003/09/29, 02:13 PM by: bb1fit
Well, today I did shoulders and forearms. Kind of an odd combo, but I didn't do forearms on my last bicep day, so I threw them in today. The day went good, had a good shoulder burn going.

Had my usual breakfast, 1 1/2 hours later did this...

Shoulders, traps..

Seated dumbbell military presses...3x6, 65,65,70
Seated machine press(wide grip)...3x10, 95,100,115
Seated machine press(close grip)..3x6...100,115,140
Side cable lateral raises...3x12, 45x65,70( I like these better than dumbbells because they keep me from cheating as much and get a much better "feel" in the side delts).
Seated front dumbbell raises(nuetral grip)...2x10, 30,35
Bent over seated rear laterals....3x10, 35,40,45

For Traps...

Up and down the row dumbbells, 10 lb. increments.....2 sets 10 reps with each weight....45,55,65,75,85,95.85,75(couldn't stand it any more, fantastic trap burn, stopped there)
Switched to standard dumbbell shrugs..2x15, 90,95
1 set of reverse shrugs to failure with 225 on bar in power rack


Reverse cable curls.....3x10, 100,100,100
45 degree hammer curls...3x10, 45,35,40 (kind of cheated myself here)
Standing wrist curls...2x15, 65,75

Cut my usual post workout drink down, due to just doing one bodypart rather than 2 big ones, so it was as follows

dextrose 1 tbsp.
malto 2 tbsp.
Mass Maker 1 sc.
protein 2 sc.
bcaa's 8 gr.

creatine 5 gr, b-complex, c-1000

Usual meal 1/2 hour after consuming drink (which by the way, I drink half immediately, then sip on the rest to regulate blood sugars for the next 45 min.)
