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Posted on: 2004/01/13, 01:15 PM by: bb1fit
Felt a little "off" today for some reason, you know the feeling, just a step or so off. Nothing serious, really had to concentrate to get into my workout. Oh well, been having some great days, was way overdue for one of these. In the end though, I was breathing hard and mission accomplished.


Medium grip pulldowns supersetted with close grip underhand pulldowns(1 1/2's)static hold on first set

Bent over rows, underhand grip on step, last set overhand grip
Sets...100x12,120x12,140x10,150x10(here is where I started to finally pick things up a bit!)

Declind dumbbell pullovers

Shoulder width chins with assist for very strict form and concentrating heavily on resisting the stretch
Sets....60x15,40x12,40x10(the first number is the assist number)


Cable side laterals, 30 second static hold on each set

Seated front nuetral dumbbell raises(alternating)

Bent over rear laterals

Dumbbelll shrugs

Deciding whether to do cardio tonight or not. Progression is good, don't want to go too fast. I have 8 1/2 weeks left.


  • [Former member] 2004/01/14
    Is there a way to do assisted chins without a specific machine? Whats a db pullover?
  • bb1fit bb1fit 2004/01/13
    Well, I have decided against cardio, my body is telling me to rest. I have time, and I sure don't want to lose muscle at this time. I will do on my day off 2 sessions, one HIIT early, and one standard later. Also will give my diet change more time to do some work on its own.