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Posted on: 2012/04/29, 12:19 PM by: yadmit
Start: 8:13am
Finish: 9:12am

Warm Up: KB and Mobility - 8:00

TJB: 10

TGU: 3/side - naked

Swings: 16kg 10x10 with :30 rest

Loaded Cleans: 24kg 5/5/5 per side

Roller @ Stretch: 21:00

Thoughts: It felt oddly nice to do the TJB. I considered doing another set of ten, but my hip opted out.

Something is odd with my left knee during TGUs. I feel a semi-pliable bump. Been there for some time now. It hurts to kneel on it.

Overall, not too bad today. My hip flexor is still a bit sore. A different sore. I'll see how it feels later.

