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Posted on: 2003/12/23, 04:44 PM
Well, as mentioned in yesterdays post, quality of muscle and specific rep ranges are my goal right now. So, there will be a big change in my arm workout from normal as you will see. Everything is a superset, not the same muscle group, but, bicep followed immediately by a tricep movement. I am utilizing also static strips and static holds, and going for almost perfect form. Here it is...
Straight bar curls supersetted with behind the back dips. The last set of curls is followed with a 20% static hold for bicep peak.
Sets....90x12,90x10,90x8,90x10/BW+45x12,BW+45x10,BW+45x8,BW+45x12(my goal of reps was reached, 12,10,8,12)
Superset incline bench dumbbell curls with one arm dumbbell extensions(hold last rep for peak contraction)
Sets....30x12,35x10,40x8,45x12/25x12,30x10,30x8,35x8(again reached the goal of 12,10,8,12)
Superset seated incline dumbbell curls with tricep cable pressdowns(no secret here, only on the curls to make sure I lowered the weigh all the way down, to maximize the lower bicep)
Sets...35x8,35x8,35x8,40x5/100x12,110x10,140x10,160x12(started a bit too heavy on the curls, did not get my rep range on them)
Flex biceps for one full minute(great blood pump), followed by tricep flex or one full minute.
Superset EZ curl reverse wrist curls with EZ curl wrist curls.(do the reverse curl and immediately just flip the bar over and do standard wrist curls with same weight.)
Sets...35x20,35x15,35x12/35x20,35x15,35x12(my goal in reps was 20,15,12, so this was reached)
Upper pulley cable crunches
Sets...120x30,160x12,160x10,160x10(slow, controlled reps, with peak contraction at bottom and hold. Great ab burn.) Followed it up immediately with 3 sets of 10 leg raises with 10lb. dumbell.
Was looking for my recovery drink!! Supersets like this can be almost as good at raising baseline metabolism for the day as HIIT cardio is.