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Posted on: 2013/11/05, 05:17 AM
I've been avoiding th FLogs because I haven't worked hard enough to record anything since my last FLog, but I'm finishing the last 5 days (fingers crossed) for the semester at uni. I haven't been completely out of touch, work has been frequent and exhausting, I walk to and from home, work and school, and I've taken to wearing my runners all the time (had to let go of the fatal "no jeans and leggings" rule), just because I walk better, feel more supported and am more comfortable running when I need to, and actually enjoy it. My eating has been a little on the bad side (I need to snack when I'm stuck at the computer for hours, design can be sucky because of that sometimes), but I've been conscious of my food choices and what other healthy options I could pick from. I haven't lost sight of my goal but it's at a point where I have to give myself over to study to get things done, and then I can pick up the rest of my life again. My boyfriend also made me feel more comfortable with myself, reminding me that I don't need to aim for any ridiculously outrageous goals; I have a very hourglass shape and I know that a BMI's definition of healthy (55kg) would be unhealthy for me (and that being less than ripped is just good "baby food", as opposed to "puppy fat").
I'm not justifying that I'm completely in the right, or saying that I've thrown in the towel, but for accountability's sake I'll be getting back on the track running at the latest on the 15th. Hopefully, I'll suprise you all and be back sooner than that.

Until then, onwards.


  • bdattel bdattel 2013/11/05
    Your doing the best you can do and that is all anyone can do. Your not giving up and that is awesome. It's nice that you have a supportive man in your life. Glad your back.:) Brenna