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Posted on: 2004/02/27, 01:04 PM
Well, I am tired of flat bench with the straight bar. I have been trying to get my bench up, had some success, but definately not what I wanted. My body is telling me to do something else because I am getting mentally burnt out thinking about increasing the weight. Damn, just kinda babblin here, but I think I am done with worrying about strength for awhile. Advanced my FT program to start up new next week. Will stick with what they suggest for 8 weeks.
Flat Bench
10x135 6x165 6x195 3x215 3x235 3x255 3x275
1x290 1x305 1x315 1x325 10x225 10x215 10x205 10x195
Decline Dbl. Press
15x50 12x60 10x70 8x80 6x90
Incline Flyes (supersetted with inc. dbl. presses-non stop)
6x20 6x20
6x30 6x30
6x40 6x40
6x50 6x50
I usually do incline stuff first, did flat bench first, and it seemed to take forever to get that warmed up feeling.
Incline Crunches
25, 25, 25
Seated Leg Tucks
25, 25, 25
Front Leg Raises
20, 20, 20
I am done; and need to get myself mentally prepared for quality, rather then quantity. All the above was done in good form, but my body is telling me to go lighter, and do a little more reps..Oh hell, I don't know!!!