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Day 1

Posted on: 2012/02/29, 06:22 PM by: Shieta_23
Well I am going on vacation to Florida  in June so I gave myself a goal of getting into shape before then. It's my first real vacation in a long time and I will be spending a lot of time on the beach and I want to look GOOD in my swimsuit. I successfully completed day 1 of my workout and also really watched what I ate. I'm so excited to begin this journey again and can't wait to come back a month from now and see how far I've progressed.


  • amie_beck amie_beck 2012/02/29
    Awesome good for you! My name is Amie and I've just started on my 2nd day (Im a aussie so its thursday here 3:51pm) and I woke quite sore today but today I pushed through it and feel proud for doing that. Good luck on your journey and Im sure you'll be suprised at how mentally and physically stronger you will be. Cheers Amie