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Day 2

Posted on: 2013/10/11, 03:40 AM
Now, saying this is an exercise log is a bit of a stretch, since I did a grand total of 16 pushups, and around an hour of walking (on top of a moderate activity 3-hour shift at work). But! The whole point of this 100 pushups challenge is to be a challenge, and I've done pushups on my knees my whole life, so I'm starting from ground zero with proper form pushups.

Technically this is day 2 of the program, so logs will correlate to the number of days I work out. When I've finished this challenge (or get bored half way through, but hopefully my resolution is better than that) I'll get into proper dedicated full-body workouts that will benefit me more in the long run. Also, maybe doing the pushups first will strengthen my arms so they don't burn as much recovering from the full-body, I do need to carry a lot of plates the day after :P

The 5:2 diet is going quite well, I completed my first fast day in tact and learned what 500 calories looks like, and how to be smart about rationalising what I eat. All in all a successful start to some healthy habits, wish me luck!

