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Day 2: MAN!! this is harder than I thought!
Ok, so getting up in the morning, trying to be social, eating healthier, exercising, getting enough sleep, taking care of the kitty and my boyfriend is a lot less simple than all the websites, magazines, motivational speakers, and health freaks say it is. On more than one level. Financially getting foods and exercise epquiptment that are suggeted for healthy diet and exercise isn't the slightest bit cheap! Also, along with all the other daily stressors life throws at me it's extra difficult on my already weak emotional and mental health. Which makes me feel even less motivated to get up and go for a run and eat a quarter of a bagel with one measly tablespoon of cream cheese, when all I really want to do is sit on my lazy ass (excuse my french) and shovel endless amounts of triple choco chunk ice cream in my mouth and watch The Notebook and The Titanic over and over again in a dark room. What I'm getting out of Day 2 is that strong will is key to getting on track to a drastically different lifestyle I'm not used to and haven't been used to my whole life!! Keep moving on!! And with a smile on my face(: