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day 3

Posted on: 2012/01/11, 11:12 AM by: karynrose
Well Im on my day 3 of training and diet and so far so good. I love working out but hate the gym....lol
I have been running outside once a week maybe 2-3x a month if the weather is nice and more in the spring fall weather. Over the holidays  I gained 5 lbs to my already weight i dont like. I weight 155 now and need to get to 130:) I have been on a 90% strict diet and so far im doing good, if i cheat its a bite of something to get the taste overwith.. example: one french fry from my daughters happy meal.. or one chip from her bowl. Im satisfied:D  I also have stopped drinkind soda as of Jan 2nd and I have not craved any at all!!!! I think the lemons i put in my water helped out ALOT!!!! I cut up lemon and sqeeze 2 slices and put them in my water and drink with a straw. Or you can fill a jug up with filtered water and slice up 2 lemons and squeeze one in:D
My workouts are wonderful..sore today though , thank god its cardio day only! Ladied do not be scared of weight , thats how you will loose weight faster than cardio alone. I did the weight training program on free trainer.com and phew... I did it before 2 yrs ago and it worked, i have just been in a rut the last year with moving and stuff.. Im ready to get back to shape and healthier eating with my fiance and daughter( she can cheat more than me..lol)
Happy workout/healthy eating FT :)
