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Day 3 Workout

Posted on: 2012/11/11, 02:05 PM by: Monica11082012
Today, I'm doing Day 3 Workout. Working out to Leslie Sansone's 4 mile Super Challenge (60mins) and later going to do J.B.'s 15 min. workout with weights.

Hopefully add a Yoga in w/Rodney Yee this evening.

Exercise is natural medicine!


  • Monica11082012 Monica11082012 2012/11/11
    So far, I did both workouts but not the Yoga. Not feeling like doing the Yoga today. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to add it to my routine. I don't know what it is with Yoga ... but I put it off so much. Maybe I need to find one to keep me motivated and inspired to continue it daily. I'll give it another try tomorrow and see it it's me or the video I chose.