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Day Four:Back and Biceps

Posted on: 2003/10/26, 05:07 PM by: 7707mutt
I started off with
Chins 3 sets of 10, 9, 8 (assisted each level takes 6lbs off you BW).
Bent rows 155x10 185x10 205x8
Deadlifts 225x10 245x10 275x10
lat Pull downs 150x10 160x10 170x8

BB curls 75x10 85x10 95x10 115x3
ALT DB 35x10 40x10 45x10
Con Preacher DB curls 20x10 25x10 20x7
Hammer curls 35x10 45x10 50x10
Forarm Dbwrist curls 20x20 25x18 30x15

Highlights: Hit 275x10 for deadlift very easily could have gone up to 315 or more bet hel off till next week.
Lowlights: Had my head phones on(but no music playing at the time) I was doing my deadlifts, and over heard two guys say "look at that fatass doing deadlifts, I could do that weight". I have to say this they were doing arms and doing them badly, they were using a plate loaded preacher bench machine with so much weight they got pulled off the seat on each rep. So I spent the rest of my workout doing my arms using more weight with perfect form staring at them with a do not F@#K me look. They got real quite and left quickly. I guess as i look at it this is not so much a LOWLIGHT as it was a boost to my motivation.


  • fryer91 fryer91 2003/10/27
    Ahhhh; more motivation!!!F$$k em!!!!!Keep doing what your doing...I am kind a running into that here, but I usually confront them with a question. You want to work in with me, and show me the manly weights with your perfect form? Confronting people like that has always got me in trouble, but I usually can talk my way out of it, because I am long gone before they can figure out what I just said. They drive me nuts; oh, I am soo muscular that I have my own zip code, and one more brain cell then a horse. This brain cell keeps me from shitting when I walk around and talk about people. Sorry! Can you tell shit like this pisses me off too? Keep pushing on Mutt; your awesome!