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Posted on: 2012/01/31, 05:58 AM by: Tasi988
oh man --- feels like my kick start is not even close to happening-- tried to wipe the carbs out but just not happening!! Settling into a country where food is different, prices are definitely different -- there is just soooo many options!! I know they arent good for me - well some of them but when its there right in front of me --- my willpower to say no just flys out the window and the food in my mouth!!  anyway no use crying about it but at least theres somewhere i can--- will look back on this Flog and fully kick myself for delaying the process lol......food is my weakness---hate it!!!!


  • asimmer asimmer 2012/01/31
    You need to look at food as fuel for your body. Its not the enemy. There is no reason to drastically cut your carbs. Just focus on portion control of healthy carbs. I get and stay lean eating oats, brown rice, potatoes, yams, soba noodles,quinoa, etc. Eat about a palm size portion of protein, a tennisball size portion of starchy carbs, unlimited fibrous green vegetables, and 1/2 -1 tbsp healthy fat. If you are always tressing out about food your body thinks something is wrong and won't give up storage as easily. Relax, eat good food.