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Forward progress
Posted on: 2007/01/17, 02:02 PM
HIt the gym today - warmed up 5 minutes on treadmill, then did 2 different circuits:
Warm-up walking lunges with twist, t-push-ups and side lunges.
Circuit 1:
flat db press
db deadlifts
db overhead alternating shoulder press
db stifflegged deadlifts
db bent-over rows
I did a circuit with 15'sX15, 20'sX12, 25'sx12/10/8
2nd circuit:
incline db presses 20'sX12, 25's X12, 30sX12
front squats 45X12 all 3 sets
pull-downs 70X12, 80X12, 90x12
one-leg leg press 50X12 all sets each leg 3 sets
db lateral raises 12sX12 2 sets
Also spoke to/hired a trainer today - not the first guy I had thought of hiring, but an older, more experienced guy who is also a recovered alcoholic/addict. I think we are on the same wave length. I am going to meet up with him every saturday morning, starting this Saturday with an evaluation and to set up my program. I am excited! He says it will be one heck of a feat to get me show ready by October, but I think we can do it.So - very excited - going to have a new program starting next week and be accountable to someone every week - big plus!