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Getting there.

Posted on: 2013/02/18, 01:39 PM by: katemonstre
So, I've been pretty good about actually getting TO the gym. I went three out of the four days that I planned to last week.

I missed Saturday because I was in rehearsal all day and then got swamped with homework. I should have gone in the morning, but I stayed up extremely late (like 5 am, which is really late for someone that likes to go to sleep at 11 pm) drinking wine and chatting with a very sweet boy that I met. I can already tell he's going to be a temptation that I'll need to negotiate. 

At the gym, I've been bicycling for half an hour. I've already increased the level that I set the bike to, so that feels good. I'm wondering when/if I should increase the time. There have been bros in the gym, so I don't go over to the weights. I know that's terrible, but I go to an all women university and I'm hardly used to being around dudes, especially in a vulnerable environment like the gym. Also, there are about four of them and they all swarm around the weights. Last night they weren't there, though, so I did do a bit of lifting. Now that I know what to expect I might just ignore them next time, especially since I found my ipod (the ultimate tool for ignoring your environment) and have been using that while I work out. I've also been doing ab work outs every time that I go in.

I think what I need is a routine that pushes my limits a bit more. I want to feel the burn, baby.
