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hate dumbasses at the Y

Posted on: 2009/03/16, 06:58 AM by: 7707mutt
Ok so the week before last I was doing DL for sets of 5 reps....on my 3rd rep at 365 I fell a tap on my shoulder. I turn and it is a staff memeber. Now my player was on metallica and on the highest setting for vol so I see his mouth moving and that is it. I turn back pop off two more reps and set it down. I move to add 2 10 lb plates and again feel a tap. Now I am pissed off. I grabb the headphones off and growl, yes growl, "what"!!!!!!!!!!! He tells me that a memeber has complained that I am "making the floor unsafe" I look at him and glance around the gym and sure nuff there is a under armor, matching outfit 50 somthng guy looking at us with a smile on his face. He complained that my teaspoon amount of chalk on the floor next to a Fucking Wall was going to make him slip. Now I laugh and ask how that was possible as he never lifted anything in the gym anyway. I then tell this 18 yearold Y employee that if he ever touched me durning a set agin I was not responible for what happened and for that matter I would be filing a complaint with Jerry the head of the Y fitness area.

I mean really what a stupid thing to do!!!!
