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Posted on: 2015/10/27, 01:44 PM by: cregan
I am new to putting myself first.  I have 2 children I am raising and before the passing of my parents, I was caring for them as well.  I also have a very demanding, stressful job that takes up a lot of my time.  I know I am not the only one with these problems.   I have a very hard time saying "no".  I realize this, however, it is still extremely difficult for me to say it.  When my boss says something has to be done, I just say ok.  When something needs adjusting at work (like a change in schedule for example), instead of finding someone else, I take it on, which doesn't allow me the time to do the already multitude of things I have to do daily, adding more stress.  The more stress I feel, the less motivated I am.  I know easy solution.  Say, no to doing it yourself, find a solution through someone else.  Tell my boss, I would love to, but right now is not the best time to dedicate my time.  Sounds wonderful, if I could do it.  I am so afraid to say no.  What if I disappoint someone.  I say no to my kids - that's easy.  Everyone else in my life, not so much.  I am trying to put myself first, for the first time ever that I can remember.  I don't know how to do this.  I feel extremely guilty asking my husband to pick up and care for our boys so I can go to the gym.  This is a huge hurdle for me.  One that I am struggling very much to climb over.   Any suggestions - besides the obvious?


  • toriar toriar 2015/10/28
    Just a suggestion from a single mom, sometimes we need to look at our boss like they are one of our kids & say not right now. We can't be there for everyone all the time & if we aren't taking care of us first we really aren't any good to anyone else. Remind yourself that exercising will allow you to have more energy & focus to do the other tasks that need to be done. It will also give you the confidence to say no. Good luck.