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HKC Prep Week One Day One

Posted on: 2012/08/22, 12:52 PM by: yadmit
HKC Prep - Week One Day Two

Start: 7:06am
Finish: 8:11am

Warm Up: ETK-ish 9:00

- Goblet Squats (5 with each weight) 12/16/20/16/12
- TGU (one per side each weight) 12/16/20/16/12
- Swings (20 with each weight) 16/20/24/20/16

Roller & Stretch: 9:00

Thoughts: Well, that was fun. I had the above movements reviewed by an RKCII - lots of work to do. Was bagged after this today.

Must investigate breathing ladders.

