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Posted on: 2009/06/07, 10:11 AM
How convenient that on my week off I have been struck with a cold.
In an effort to get rid of it, I've Neti-ed, Buckley'd and cough dropped. It seems to be going away. This all started with the headache issue on May 29th. I've had little headaches off and on since then, but likely because of all the coughing and lack of sleep. I did, however, get two or three nights of uninterupted sleep.
After the fat gain it's time to switch to a fat loss routine.. ya, I know, it's mostly diet. I've been a tad lax with it late. And, like the gal at the gym suggested, perhaps I'm not eating enough. So, I'll keep an eyeball on that.
So, I have decided to do a three day a week routine I found on Dragon Door, written by David Whitley. It's three different routines lasting four weeks each for a total of twelve weeks. Each routine has two workouts alternating, so, Monday is A, Wednesday is B and Friday is A. Then, B, A, B and so on.
It was a toss up between this routine and another one I found that is also twelve weeks.
The plan is to start tomorrow.