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Posted on: 2006/11/29, 01:08 PM
I'm draggin butt today...this is really getting annoying...I'm tired of having no energy...I'm sure it's the PMS...I'm gonna pick up some caffeine tonight and take a couple of those before my workout tomorrow...see if that puts a little umph back in them..
cardio...was on there 15 minutes and could do no more..physically I could have... mentaly ...there was no way....boy I hope to see some improvement soon.I weighed myself...I'm up to 152 again...again,I'm sure most is PMS water retention..so I'm not stressing over it yet.I imagine I will have to chalk these last 2 weeks up as useless...and I felt so good last wed...sucks to feel like this just a week later...oh well...I'll survive...I know if I stay on the wagon...no matter how slowly it's movin'...it'll pick up speed eventually.