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Jan 1st....mon..1 month left!!!

Posted on: 2007/01/01, 09:20 PM by: KC_72
I did good today ....ready to get started.I didn't get in the workout I wanted...while warming up I got the news we were headed to in-laws for lunch at 2...it was 12:30..they live a 1/2 an hour away and I still had to shower...SO...I got in this:

20 minutes treadmill...2 miles

2 sets
crunch.leg lift.oblique 30 reps

4 sets bench press 75 lbs 12 reps
3 sets flys 30lbs 12 reps
2 sets seated rows 60lbs 12 reps
2 sets standing lat pulls 30lbs 12 reps

we were late...

Not great ...but not horrid
granola bar,water(went to the movies...best hurried snack choice I could think of)
Wendy's for dinner...I had a plain baked potatoe with chili.

I've been taking the caffeine pretty regular...usually only 200 mg at a time...they help alot,but can make me edgey...when I get to work and start hollering at the girls to make sure their crap is done before they leave 'cause their mama doesn't work there...they always ask if I've been taking my "cranky" pills.So the agressive feeling seems to be the only side effect.I don't take it but once or twice a day...I think I'm doing OK with it.I'm off until friday...so I should be feeling more in the rythem by then.

I feel good and positive...I can do alot in a month!!!
