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Just found the "Beast Mode" switch

Posted on: 2016/01/10, 05:08 PM by: lakersfan2910
Hey everyone,

I've never taken taken the time to write a blog/flog, but i thought that this might be a great motivator for me this time around. 

Brief history about me, I moved to Holland from St. Maarten (the friendly island) roughly 13 years ago, weighing about 330 pounds. Somewhere at the beginning of 2006 I made the choice to better my life and by sporting and dieting i lost about 44 pounds in little over 3 months. In little over a year i was down 132 pounds (Ridiculous right? I know). 

I managed to hold the weight off for a few years, even while not exercising or in any way paying attention to what I was eating, but as the most of you know this can only go well for so long.

Fast forward to present day, 6 years of marriage (to my beautiful wife), 1 lovely 3 year old daughter and thousands of euros invested in the fastfood business later. According to my friend the scale, that I recently got the courage to step onto for the first time in almost a year, my current weight is at 264+ pounds.

Now granted that 10 years ago i would've been ecstatic to be at this weight, but now i just feel like a bag of old potatoes.

Well as of last week, my wife and I decided it was time for a change. And even though the first week of the yearwent pretty well, i wasn't really commited to the change. But saturday something changed for me.

In the weekend, which we decided would be our cheat days, i took it a bit too far, and my stomach i guess was pretty much pissed at me. Crawling into my bed at night, still feeling the food up to my throat even though I ate 5 hours before, I realised it was time for a change. 

So here I am today, standing at the foot of a journey i made once before, and now feeling so pumped, that i have to force myself not to go out at midnight for a run, especailly since i haven't done it in months. I can now say that i (think) I've found my Beast Mode switch, and I intend to leave it on as long as possible.
