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Leaving Paradise

Posted on: 2012/01/26, 03:33 PM by: r.kaysi
Well, this is it. I'm finally going to stop laying around, expecting to just go through a phase of possible weight loss to happen naturally. So, I'm enjoying this last day of paradise to start a new life filled with happiness and accomplishment. I've never done a blog, or Flog, before, so this one is going to be a little short.

Good-Bye Laziness, Hello Happiness!


  • george george 2012/01/26
    Great start to a new you. Making this decision and taking those first few steps is the hardest part.. but you're not alone since joining our community. Best advice would be to join our groups (Community>Groups) in top menu. Find what best suits your goals or join some of our official feature groups to get involved.
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