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Leg Day with Personal Trainer
Worked out with my personal trainer at the gym today. I had him take me through some sets of the exercises in my ft training program, plus he had me do some others.
It may just be me, but it seems like he doesn't really care what my goals are - he just has me do the things that will get me like him. He is pretty big, but that is not my goal. Rather than size, I'm more interested in tone, some strength, and endurance. Not sure if I just don't understand or because his way might actually get me where I want.
It will be nice to go back to doing it by myself.
I could definitely do good with finding a workout partner. Unfortunately, I don't know many people there yet. I need to start looking around more. Do I pick someone at about my level, or someone above me? Or below me (assuming they would be easier). But then, doesn't that significantly increase my workout time? I'm pretty busy. Which is why I have to do my workout then cardio right after each other.