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Legs/Calves...beginning of cycle 2 again

Posted on: 2004/01/21, 12:56 PM by: bb1fit
On some of these exercises, I will use shocking techniques like supersets, etc. because these are not power movements, but shaping/isolation type squeeze movements.

Leg extensions(static contraction 30 seconds on last rep of each set)
Sets....90x12,100x10,Last set was a drop set to reach my rep goal of 12,10,15

Free weight hack squats(still getting the hang of these)supersetted with sissy squats using the smith machine for resistance to the front.

Leg curls(rep range of 12,10,15..missed my last set) supersetted with weighted kickback machine

Abductors supersetted with Adductors
2 sets of 135x15


Seated calf raises(rep range of 12,15,25)

Standing calf raises using smith machine and aerobic step(smith weight not included)

Funny, was looking forward to this leg workout. On paper looks so much easier than cycle 1 where I do 90 reps on the leg press followed by squats, but when doing it is vey tough. Legs were cooked, hams were really feeling good, as well as lower legs. Looking for the nice leg split here with this workout. Thus a bit more shocking techiniques.

Recovery drink was good!!


  • bb1fit bb1fit 2004/01/21
    The only squats I am doing now is on cycle 1, and that is just 3 sets AFTER I do 90 reps on the leg press, so needless to say, not much strength left to work with like when you start off with them. The 3 sets I do now are just more for sweep shaping than anything. No power left to go heavy.
  • [Former member] 2004/01/21
    Why did you say you missed squats?? I thought I saw some in here last week.