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Lifting Day 1, Week 3

Posted on: 2007/03/14, 09:58 PM
Switching from 4 Sets of 7 Reps to 3 Sets of 10 Reps. Warm ups not included.

Inc D.B. Press (Weight each hand)
85's x 10, 95's x 10, 100's x 10
Held 115's in the bottom position just to get a feel

T-Bar Row
180x10, 180x10, 180x10

205x10, 205x10, 205x10

Lat D.B. Raise (weight each hand)
20's x 10, 20's x 10

Rear D.B. Fly (weight each hand)
20's x 10, 20's x 10

Weighted Ball Crunches
3 sets of 10 with 50 lbs

The gym was hotter than hell tonight. Gym sweat was on and the heart was pumping during the squats. The heat took a little out of me.
