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Lifting Day 1, Week 4

Posted on: 2007/12/12, 10:56 PM

Switching from 3x8 to 6x3 - except Squats
Warm ups not included

185x3, 225x3, 265x2, 295x1, 305x1, 315x1, 335x1, 275x8

Incline D.B. Bench (Weight Each Hand)
90sx3, 95sx, 95sx3, 100sx3, 110sx3, 110sx4

Seated Row
180x3, 180x3, 180x3, 185x3, 195x3, 195x3

Hammer D.B. Curls (Weight Each Hand)
35sx3, 40sx3, 40sx3, 40sx3, 45sx3, 45sx3

Side Delt D.B. Raise (Weight Each Hand)
25sx3, 25sx3, 25sx3, 25sx3, 30sx3, 30sx3

Weighted Crunches on Ball
6 sets of 3 with 85lbs
