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Lifting Day 1, Week 6

Posted on: 2007/02/11, 03:09 PM
Switching rep & set scheme from 3 sets of 9 to 6 sets of 3.

225x3, 255x3, 255x3, 255x3, 260x3, 265x3 (225x6/135x12)

185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3, 185x3 (135x10)

Front Squat
185x3, 195x3, 205x3, 205x3, 225x3, 225x3 (135x12) Back Squat for form

Weighted Hypers
+25x3, +25x3, +25x3, +25x3, +25x3, +25x3
Stayed light to give the lower back a break

Weighted Decline Sit Ups
+35x5, +40x5, +45x5, +45x5

Low energy level but the weights did improve so that was positive. Was able to help out a complete newbie who joined the gym 2 months ago. I have seen him around and he is a very nervous guy so I was surprised when he asked me about the front squats. I helped him out on his back squat technique and he continued to ask me questions through out the workout so it was nice to see someone so eager to learn.

Work Out Time 75 mins
