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Posted on: 2009/02/06, 05:03 PM
seated cable rows 10x60, 70, 80, 100
wide grip chins to front 2x 10, 1x 8
wide grip machine pull downs 10x 60, 60, 80, 90
ez curl 10x15, 20, 25, 30
concentration curls 10x 10, 15, 20, 25
reverse curls 10x 15, 20, 25, 30
no pain on reverse curls but shoulder still hurts doing curls. It hurts less than last week
machine leg tucks 4 sets each- middle left right
10x leg, 10x15, 10x20, 10x25
cable crunches 10x 120-3 sets left, 3 sets right, 3 sets middle
machine crunches half range 10x 100, 10x160, 10x200
back hypers 10x bw, 10x10 10x25, 10x35,
machine crunches full range 10x 80 10x100, 10x140
walk-- warm up cool down 1/4 mile eaqh
15:25 1st mile
15:35 2nd mile