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Posted on: 2011/10/18, 01:58 AM
treadmill 3 miles 650 calories
dumbbell lunges 15x25 12x35 10x40
dumbbell squats 15x25 12x35 10x40
dumbbell standing calf raises 15x25 12x35 10x40
crunches 15x15 12x20 10x25 using dumbbell on chest
twisted crunches 15x15 12x20 10x20 using dumbbell on chest each side
side leg lifts 3 sets x 20
front leg tucks 3 sets x 20
long stretch session.

I am absolutely trashing my legs.
Between the canoe and the ab workouts along with squats, my core is getting a steady hit as well.

I will be happy to swim again. I really miss the distance swimming. The water exercises , canoeing and swimming are challenging. You go far away and you have to come back. The canoe paddling technique with a kayak paddle is excellent for posture and core. It's essential to keep a rigid back and perfect balance. It would be impossible to cover the distance we go without working on balance.
