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Posted on: 2013/12/06, 02:54 PM
Same as yesterday
standing alternate knee to opposite elbow 15 x 3 sets each leg
lying two leg, side leg tuck to elbow.3 sets of 15.
1 arm dumbbell swing 2 sets of 15 x 20 lbs.
chin up 5 sets of 12
2 arm swing 40 lbs 2 sets of 15
goblet squat. 3 sets of 15 x 40 lbs
.hanging leg raise 3 sets of 15
lying leg raise. and tucks 3 sets of 20 each movement
burbee 2 sets of 15
mountain climber 4 sets of 20 with 12 down dog push ups at the end of each set
lying leg tucks, raised.
.burpee 3 x 15
down dog straight leg side to side kick 4 sets of 20
elbow plank and plank jump and tap foot left and right
alternate arm superman push up wide stance [on knees if necessary 2 sets of 5
At the end of every face down exercise, 12 push ups
31 minutes