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Posted on: 2014/04/15, 07:02 PM by: sydney.nix
Well I can honestly say that I'm happy that I am finally getting my shit together in my life and I dontwant to do anything to fuck that up so im putting myself through a mini isolation boot camp. No friends, no nothing. I just want to clear out my thoughts and start getting ready to get my shit together to go to collage in the fall I can't believe that I am going to be graduation in just two months! I got a letter in the mail the other day from our school nurse, it was from when we had vision screenings at my school and I weighed 191 lbs! I am now very proud to say that as of today, April 15, 2014... I weigh 168.2 lbs! Thats a huge progress in just nine months! Im very proud of myself!


  • kattyfigs kattyfigs 2014/04/17
    That is heaps good! Keep up the hard work! My friends seem to be bad influences on my health as well. Always trying to get me to drink and miss gym. Haha.