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Rest, cardio day...
Posted on: 2003/09/28, 05:04 PM
Well, today was a combo rest(from resistance training), active rest with cardio. Trying at this point to create a caloric deficit, lose some fat and approach 7%.
So, did a cardio session this morning, HIIT type on the recumbent bike. A 15 minute session. 1 1/2 hours approximately after my morning meal. So should have had plenty glycogen stores. Cranked it up to level 15 at the last set of hills. Each hill segment is 15 sec, 3 hills in succession. Felt really leg pumped upon completion, and did some 30 second stretching afterwards.
Supplements afterwards were..
1 tbsp. flax oil
1 tbsp. flax seed
8 gr. bcaa's
At 5:30, doing a second session of a standard cardio, 20 min. on the stepper. A 203 calorie burn according to the readout. Supplements afterward same as morning session.