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Posted on: 2005/02/03, 08:47 PM
OK, at the risk of sounding like a crybaby, I will be so glad when this 12 hr. 3rd shift crap is over! It is taking its toll for sure. No rest translates to crappy recovery thus crappy workouts. (whew, now I feel better! :))
Anyway, as you can tell, I was not at all happy with todays excuse for a workout. Here is how it went.....
Standing military presses
Sets....95x10,135x4,135x3(pretty sad, a drop from last week)
Seated rotary presses(plate loaded)
Sets....90x4,90x4,70x8,90x5(got some reps, then rested longer, but still down too from last week!)
Seated press neutral close grip
Sets.....120x5,125x5,130x4(trying hard here to go up in something today, not any luck!)
Cable side laterals
Seated machine laterals
Dumbbell shrugs
Tried hard to take something positive away from this workout, but not much I can think of! Best thing I can come up with, tomorrow is another day!