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Squats done Friday
Posted on: 2007/09/23, 08:43 PM
Reg squats 135x10 155x10 185x5 225x1 245x1 265x1 275x1 295x1 295x3 275x3 225x10
Highlights: I went in to release stress due to work and The thoughts I have had about my little angel Gabriel, this was his actual dud date this past week. I did release stress and in the process hit my quads like never
Lowlights: I worked Saturday night at a Prom for a young girl who was given the news in June that her cancer was back and she had 3-6 months to live. Her teacher is my neighboor and she needed help. 10 mins after i got there rolled my left ankle....not to bad but I walked on it for over 6 hours and then today we went to Marineland.