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starting over

Posted on: 2012/09/13, 03:28 PM by: HelenArase
so i'm starting over again. i've gained all the weight back plus 5 pounds... so now i'm starting from 200. i've been working for 4 days now at tracking my food and working out. i have challenged myself to a year of fitness. here we go.


  • greenarrow13 greenarrow13 2012/09/23
    I'm going to give you some advice that I give to lots of people, whether you take it is up to you. Weight loss isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change, so while your goal of a year of fitness is good, you need to keep at a healthy lifestyle. It's hard to get into a routine, especially when it's something completely different then what you're used to, so don't rush into it. Make changes, but don't change your entire lifestyle in one day, that'll just discourage you and you'll gain back the weight and then some. Keep up your determination and motivation, and good luck!