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The Beginning

Posted on: 2012/09/13, 08:05 AM by: snm0009
This is my first day of my latest attempt to lose weight. I have my circuit training schedule down and I'll be headed to the gym in about an hour. This is the first time i've taken advantage of a community to help through this process. My trouble always comes from me being impatient and wanting results right away, then getting frustrated four or five days in and ruining any progress I would have made. Hopefully I'll be able to stick to this plan and not stress over it. I've always been very athletic and I work out for at least an hour every day, yet I'm still 20 pounds more than my ideal late. I'm combing this workout program with nutrisystem this time. Wish me luck!


  • greenarrow13 greenarrow13 2012/09/23
    Since I don't have any information on your height, weight, bone structure, etc., or how athletic you are, it's hard for me to tell. But you also have to consider your muscle mass. Muscle is half the size of fat but twice as heavy. You need to consider your body fat amount not just your weight. But if you keep to a good diet and exercise (diet meaning food, not weight loss diets. I don't want any confusion because I don't believe in diets), then you may notice a difference.