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The beginning

Posted on: 2013/11/06, 08:57 PM by: DeeLush
Today is the beginning of my weight loss journey. I am 250lbs at the age of 27. Even though, my doctor says the I am healthy and have no health problems I feel like I am dying slowly. I am always tired and lack energy. But today, I say enough is enough. I will do the best I can and get this weight off. I don't want to be skinny bc I love my curves but I do want to fit in my clothes just a little bit better.


  • DeeLush DeeLush 2013/11/07
    I am starting at home with my best friend and I will be joining a gym very soon. And thank you so much, it feels good already to have people to keep you motivated.
  • bdattel bdattel 2013/11/07
    Ya, Enough is Enough! Did you join a gym or are you working out from home? You are going to feel so much better and you will have more confidence. You've made a good decision and I am happy for you. Brenna