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Thursday...beginning to feel like myself again....woohoo

Posted on: 2007/02/01, 01:39 PM by: flyonthewall
I am definetly feeling more like myself, still a wee bit tired, but not zombie-like as in the past few days. I'm sure my problems stemmed from lack of sleep while on vacation in conjuction with a cold (probably also due to lack of sleep) I'm finally catching up on my sleep and I think my body is adapting to workouts again...yippy. I just finished a great workout at the gym, even tried a new move, namely a decline bench press...kind of fun. I am now chowing down on the lunch I brought, which I'll list below...yummy!

Todays workout:
5min run on treadmill (felt like I could have continued where normally I'm glad to see 5min end)

3set 8 full pushups (these weren't bad, I think my swimming is strengthening my back muscles even more)

3 sets 8 asst pullups counterweight at 90/80/80lb

3 sets 8 each //SS incline db presses//pec flies//bicept curls ---10lb on pecs/15lb for presses and curls

3 sets 8 BB decline presses-bar only (45lbs) I like these and will start adding some wt to the bar.

4 sets 8 BB squats 45(bar)/95/95/95 found the last few a bit tough because I'm really tight in the hips.

3 sets ab work 20crunches/20oblique/20 leg lifts with increased resistance for each set (feet down/feet in chair pos/feet in air.

stretch to cool down.

Diet going very well

Kashi golean cereal + skim milk and clementine orange

cup a soup

tandoori chicken (purchasedfrozen tandoori breast and BBQ's (in the snow!) up the whole package to have at the ready in the fridge. Ate this with some tza ziki--yummy!

Brocolli slaw
(1 package of fresh brocolli slaw+juliened red pepper and onion. 1tbsp oil in pan and add chopped garlic and cook for 1min. add red pepper+onion and cook 2-3min, add brocoli slaw + salt and pepper + cider viniger (I used balsamic) and could for about 5 min-until fork tender. Can be eaten hot or cold...very good, easy to make and very healthy!

mini cucumber _ grape tomatoes
clementine orange

Thinking about shrimp and avacado for dinner.

Will be swimming tonight.

Today is a very good day!
