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Posted on: 2007/01/31, 07:44 PM by: asimmer

My dogs are not going to be so happy this week, the temperature is dropping and I may wimp out on them...already have short-changed them the past two days - guess i better take them to the park tomorrow before it gets really cold!

Here is Tuesday:

AM Cardio
Fatburning workout video

Warm-up elliptical 4 min and light presses

Db (overhead)presses 20'sX12, 25'sX10, 30'sX8 better this week
Barbell (overhead)presses 55X12, 60X10, 65X10 much better than the smith presses
Lateral raise 12'sX12, 15'sX10, 15'sX10
pec dec rear delt 40X12, 50X10, 60X8
DB shrugs 40X12, 45X10, 50X8

PM cardio - very proud of myself - found a gym branch near the school my daughter is taking socer skills classes at and did my cardio while she was in clas! 30 minutes interval program on precor elliptical.

Tuesday food:
6:40 isopure, skim milk, coffee

quinoa hot cereal
1/4c blueberries
SF syrup
1 egg, 3 whites

Not-your-mother's meatloaf
1/2c rice
broccoli and cauliflower, steamed, still not into it.



PWO shake:
2 scoops isopure
&gt;30g mixed carbs
crystal lite

rice spaghetti
muscle-up meatballs
1/2c classico triple mushroom sauce
sprinkle parmesan


SF pudding
1 scoop isopure
TBSP Udo's 3-6-9 oil

Things I did right on Tuesday:
1) Found the gym branch and did my evening cardio!
2) Tried a new recipe for meatballs (Biggest Loser Cookbook)
