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Tuesday...forgot my ipod, but still survived...damn it's cold!!!
Got my pilates and swim in last night. Still working on fly, and i'm slowly getting better at it. Very good workout. Am feeling a twinge in my left shoulder though...need to focus on my swimming form!!
Today I did weights at the gym. Still just kind of winging it as I bring myself back into routine. I'm having to adjust my workouts somewhat so that I don't tire my arms out for swim nights-of which tonight is another one. Here's what went down:
4min run on treadmill
3 sets assisted pullups counterwt 80/70/70lb ( I had managed to work myself to 40lb once...want to get back there!)
3 sets walking lunges single/double/15lb dbls
3 sets B/O dbl rows 15/20/25lbs (all single arm)
3 sets dbl tri kickbacks 10/15/15lbs
3 sets leg ext 60/70/80lb
3 sets leg curls 60/70/80lb
stretch to cool down.
Diet still going well. Cooked up a batch of fajita chicken as well as a bunch of mesquite marinated chicken. Also found a good recipe for crock pot curry chicken that I'll try this weekend. Feels good to get the crap out of the diet again!