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Upper Horizontal

Posted on: 2008/06/29, 11:09 PM

Upper Horizontal
Warm Ups not included

185x10, 205x10, 205x10

180x10, 195x10, 195x10

* Superset with rest (1min between each set)

Incline D.B. Press (Weight Each Hand)**
80'sx10, 80'sx10, 80'sx10

Seated Row - Wide Grip**
120x10, 125x10, 135x10

** Superset with rest (1min between each set)

Underhand Tri Pulldowns***
50x10, 55x10, 60x10

D.B. Curls***
25'sx10, 25'sx10, 25'sx10

*** Superset - no rest

33 Mins
