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Wednesday&gt; DAY 3&gt; WEEK 6 of 4 month challenge

Posted on: 2006/11/15, 11:53 PM by: MannyMaster
Finally felt good enough to go back to the gym. I'm thinking I need to make some adjustments to the routine since my workouts last way to long (today was 1 hour and 45 min.) Here's what I did today:

Todays Target Muscle Groups:
-Abs - Chest - Back-

10 min. CARDIO (elliptical trainer)

target muscle stretching

-Crunches (3 sets; BW; 30 reps) alternating with
-Oblique DB Lifts (3 sets; 20lbs; 20 reps) alternating with
-Seated Leg Tucks (3 sets; BW; 20 reps)

10 min. CARDIO (stationary bike)

-BB Flat Bench Press (4 sets; 45-75lbs; 12-6 reps)
-DB Incline Bench Press (3 sets; 20-30lbs per arm; 12-7 reps)
-Cable Cross-Overs (3 sets; 20-30lbs per arm; 12-8 reps)
-Wide Grip Front Lat Pull-Downs (4 sets; 55-85lbs; 12-6 reps)

-Seated Cable Rows (3 sets; 55-85lbs; 12-8 reps) alternating with
-Hyperextensions (3 sets; BW; 15 reps) These still kill me, but it feels great...

10 min. CARDIO (elliptical trainer)

some target muscle stretching in between sets

Total CARDIO today was 30 min.

That's all I had time for today. Diet was good.
