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Week 1

Posted on: 2014/03/19, 06:41 PM by: emmar24
Started my new diet on monday, and I am very motivated!

Been yo-yoing on various diets since the new year, and I finally feel like I can stick to this and finally achieve some weight loss.

I've been going to the gym for the past three days, and I feel amazing. Once I leave I can't wait to go back in and burn some excess body fat! On monday I was struggling and ran for 0.5km and wasn't williing to carry on, however only TWO days later, I ran 1 full km without stopping on the treadmil, and I was able to push myself to keep going for that little bit extra. 

I've been calorie counting, and making sure that I have a high protein breakfast before I go to the gym, and so far it's been very easy to change crisps and chocolate for fruit. I've been monitoring everything I eat and making sure that I have smaller portions by drinking plenty of water. 

Can't wait to get on the scales and see how much weight I've lost!
